Banker, Surveyor and UP chairman in ACC's net

Hostile to Corruption Commission (ACC) has captured an executive of the Banker, Surveyor and Union Parishad (UP) on charges of defilement. They were captured from three regions of the nation on Wednesday. ACC appointee executive Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya affirmed the issue in the main light.

As per the ACC, a pay off of 10 thousand takaasaha haetatea Kishoreganj Sadar upazila studied the land office surveyor Gias Uddin was captured from his office. To address a misstep in the field overview, the surveyor requested a pay off of 50 thousand taka for one individual. At the point when the individual grumbled to the ACC, the surveyers were captured for getting caught toward the finish of all the lawful procedure. ACC has documented a case with the Kishoreganj Sadar Police Station.

Sonali Bank's Gopalganj region's Gopalganj region's Bhatiyapara branch officer Akhter Hossain has been captured on account of phony misrepresentation by fake extortion for the sake of a few phony people or associations. On November 29, 2010, the ACC documented a case with the Kashani (Gopalganj) police headquarters.

Eprothom AloBarisal Sadar upazila, Chandpura director of Barisal Police Station said. Amanullah was captured from the territory of ​​Choumatha in the city of Barisal. There is an argument against him for the misappropriation of Tk 1.824 and Tk 426 without giving the VZD rice identified with him. The case was documented on November 27 a year ago.

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