BNP could not set the way for the disaster

There was a lack of gathering administration amid the decision

After the race, there has been a whirlwind of pioneers
No one needs to realize the difference in initiative
There is some wavering in the basic leadership dimension of the approach

The BNP couldn't settle on the way to the progress after the less than ideal end of the eleventh parliamentary races . Gathering boss Khaleda Zia has been detained for right around a year. In this circumstance, the group couldn't choose the move to request re-appointment or whether the gathering will be compelled to work out discreetly.

As per a few chiefs in charge of the BNP, the deficiency of the authority of the gathering amid the eleventh parliamentary races on December 30 was uncovered. The circumstance emerged after the decision, a portion of the arrangement level pioneers of the gathering seemed, by all accounts, to be defenseless. A portion of the focal pioneers are hoping to realize the difference in initiative in this circumstance.

In the mean time, on Thursday, the birth commemoration of the organizer of Ziaur Rahman, two senior pioneers Khandaker Mosharraf Hossain and Moudud Ahmed began the dialog on 'The general population who neglected to act the hero' and gave a discourse to bring the administration of the young. A large number of the pioneers are attempting to comprehend, who as a 'come up short' and who has implied Moudud and Musharraf

Eprothom AloKhandker Mosharraf Hossain said in the principal light yesterday, who are the ones who come up short, that on the off chance that the gathering is reconstituted, it will turn out all the while.

Moudud Ahmad did not have any desire to say anything new regarding this. He said in the primary light, 'what I advised to state. What's more, would prefer not to clarify. There are various sorts of talk. That is for what reason we're going in an intense time. In the event that the gathering chooses, it will be seen.

At various dimensions of the gathering, it is found out that a portion of the strategy making pioneers of Khandker Mosharraf and Moudud Ahmed have made discord among a portion of the arrangement making pioneers of the gathering. They are attempting to comprehend why abruptly two senior pioneers said why they did as such. Prior, in the gathering of the Standing Committee of the gathering, the two chiefs scrutinized the best initiative of the National Unity Front for not having the capacity to assume a normal job in the decisions. For this, the pioneer of the gathering is likewise included.

As indicated by the sources, the last gathering of the assembled front did not go to the gathering, three individuals from the BNP Standing Committee Khandaker Mosharraf Hossain, Moudud Ahmed and Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir. In the group, there is a ton of understanding and investigation of Musharraf and Moudud. In this circumstance, there was some faltering in deciding the activities of the gathering in the strategy making stage.

In any case, BNP General Secretary Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir commented that the media theory about the two senior pioneers was 'hypothesis'. He said in the main light, when there is no work, at that point these are the things. There is no such thing about huge burglary theft. The media has debilitated the BNP, how to break the BNP, how it very well may be broken. However, there is no issue in the BNP.

BNP rejects the aftereffects of the eleventh parliamentary decisions on December 30 as 'extraordinary untoward' casting a ballot . At that point the declaration by the gathering's chosen MPs refrained from taking pledge. The session of the new Parliament will begin on January 30. In the local address explanation, BNP pioneers have censured the decision, however till now no program has been finished. It has not been taken up to this point, with regards to talking about the recreation of the group to return, in which process this procedure will begin.

Moudud Ahmed feels that right now, the fundamental job of the BNP will be to restore the casualties of the gathering. Since, a large number of BNP pioneers and activists are still in prison. They need to get out. Many have turned out to be powerless and weak, they need to remain alongside them. In the event that there is a group, they will believe in them. Of course, the group should reproduce. At that point something different can be thought of.

BNP's arrangement making sources said that after the race, the BNP's need is to discharge detainee boss Khaleda Zia. Aside from the lawful procedure for his discharge, there are discourses in the abnormal state of the gathering about conceivable manners by which it tends to be embraced. In this, strategy creators stress on the declaration of the program for liberation and the expansion in the global network. They imagine that the administration has begun hindering Khaleda Zia's discharge in the lawful procedure, which is as yet going on.

Be that as it may, a source in the gathering says, in spite of chats with the legislature or by giving a rebate, they need Khaleda Zia to be discharged. For this situation, a few people are stating that Khaleda Zia's liberation was in return for sending MP MPs to the swearing-in. Despite the fact that the issue depends altogether on Khaleda Zia's choice.

It is found out that a considerable lot of the gathering's heads and well wishers have been encouraged to begin the program without being quiet. A portion of the well wishers conversed with the mindful pioneers of the gathering to report a program upon the arrival of the Eleventh Parliament session on January 30.

BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir said in the light of the current, the present emergency isn't the situation of BNP alone. The issue is the entire country. The way of its travel won't be right in one day. It will require investment, take a seat. The procedure of arrangement has started.

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