Embezzlement of money: eight officials of the Sonali Bank jailed

The eight authorities of Gopalganj Sonali Bank Headquarters were given life detainment forever term in various periods for their illegal tax avoidance. Faridpur District Judge Court complex, 23 January. Photograph: Alimuzzaman's

eight authorities of Gopalganj Sonali Bank
Base camp

were given life term detainment forever term, including forever term. Today, extraordinary judge of Faridpur court judge at 11pm on Wednesday. Matiar Rahman gave the request.

One of the convicts, one of the principle clerks and the staying seven lodges. They are boss clerk Shawkat Hossain Mollah, Amal Chandra Biswas, HS Siddiqur Rahman, Manjurul Haque, Mosharraf Hossain Mollah and Golam Mohammad. Munshi, Dilip Kumar Mandal and Yusuf Ali Khandakar After the case was documented, everybody was expelled aside from Mosharraf Hossain Molla. The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) was examining the case.

Eprothom AloFaridpur District ACC's PP Mozibur Rahman said that the blamed for the convicts, stole 47 lakh 2 thousand 628 38 paise by demonstrating the name of the benefits holders and the annuities holders of Sonali Bank Gopalganj branch. On December 8, 2003, the then director of the bank Abdus Sobhan recorded the case. As per the reports of the case, the all out denounced were 10. Two of them kicked the bucket amid the examination.

PP Mozibur Rahman said the court has fined Shawkat Hossain Mollah forever detainment and 47 lakh 2 thousand 628 38 paisa for the misappropriation of intensity by abusing power from the bank. He should endure an extra punishment of fine for a year in fine. Then again, he was condemned to 10 years thorough detainment and 50 thousand taka for defaulting on phony and misrepresentation, and condemned to two months' detainment. Also, he was condemned to seven years detainment and fined Tk 50,000 for further two months' detainment.

Majibur Rahman said that the seven blamed were fined for a long time and fined 90 thousand taka. They will be condemned to 1 year detainment for their fine in default.

Amid the profession of the decision, seven other charged, Shawkat Hossain, showed up under the watchful eye of the court. Shawkat Hossain was captured and got away with safeguard amid the procedures. The seven individuals who were available after the decision were articulated in Faridpur District Jail.

The court records the reports, the charged stole the cash by demonstrating the name of retired people and phony benefits holders. After the case was documented in 2003, the then ACC aide executive Abul Bashar of the region office of Faridpur was captured after the examination. Amid the examination, two denounced Tamim Biswas and Khabir Uddin passed on.

Safeguard legal advisor Anisul Hasan stated, "We didn't get equity in the court. Request to the High Court. Our desires, we will get equity in the High Court.

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