Handicapped needing integrated services

In the Round Table Conference, the Chairman of the Disability Protection Trust said. Golam Rabbani Besides, Director of National Disability Foundation Sheik Hamim Hasan Yesterday at the main light office. Photograph: First Light for the

People with Disabilities Integrated Health and Rehab Services Their treatment should be connected to wellbeing and restoration experts. The requirement for reinforcing the coordination between the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in the recovery and treatment of the incapacitated.

Recovery specialists state this at a roundtable gathering titled 'The job of experts and associations in incorporated human services and restoration'. First round composed by the Round Table Conference, Handicap International, Humanity and Inclusion and the European Union, who worked with debilitated individuals, coordinated. The roundtable was held at the Prothom-alo office of Karwan Bazar in the city on Tuesday .

Eprothom AloHandicap International Coordinator toward the start of the round table Majedul Haque and Project Manager Golam Mustafa displayed the aftereffects of two separate investigations. It is said that Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics and Handicap International overviewed incapacities in Kurigram and Narsingdi areas in the year 2017. As per an investigation of 6,500 individuals overviewed, 60 percent of individuals in Kurigram approach social insurance and 83 percent of them don't get restoration administrations. In Narsingdi area, this rate is 28 and 47 percent separately.

The Handicap International and National Disability Foundation mutually directed another investigation titled 'Coordination among wellbeing and recovery benefits in Bangladesh' in 2018. It tends to be seen, it takes around more than two years until an individual's medical issue starts to be restored. Research proposes that, to build the familiarity with wellbeing experts about restoration administrations. Wellbeing and restoration experts need to guarantee strongreferral (meeting trade and patient exchanges) strategies.

Boss visitor of the program, under the Ministry of Social Welfare, Chairman of the Neuro-Developmental Disabled Protection Trust. Golam Rabbani said that Social Welfare Ministry is giving administrations to the debilitated individuals through 103 focuses. Be that as it may, there is an absence of prepared labor and present day innovation in the field of administration.

Valerie A Taylor, author of Rehabilitation Centers (CRP) for deadened individuals, said that the debilitated individuals require specific administrations and prepared labor. There is a five-year instruction program for prepared labor. Be that as it may, the legislature is offering need to crafted by momentary coaches. He said CRP is considering chipping away at 'melodic treatment' in the treatment of psychological wellness issues.

Prothom Alo 's colleague editorial manager Abdul Kaiyum led the roundtable . The developers expressed gratitude toward the legislature for passing the Bangladesh Rehabilitation Council Act-2018. Yet, they said that there are a few restrictions in the law.

The administration said in an earnest gathering with the handicapped individuals Sheik Hashem Hassan, Director of National Disability Foundation. He said that crafted by managing individuals with handicaps is currently the type of development.

Krishan Sen, general secretary of the Bangladesh Occupational Therapy Association, featured the fumble of individuals who have lost their dynamic organs because of different elements including stroke, mishaps. He said there are just 268 word related advisors in the nation. Their extensive part worked in the CRP and a few schools. Numerous individuals are leaving the nation.

Physiotherapy Association's general secretary said that physiotherapy has a noteworthy job to build man's proficiency, accomplish life span and straightforwardness throughout everyday life. Shahadat Hossain. He said huge numbers of the wellbeing experts don't know when a patient needs physiotherapy. The data that is accessible in physiotherapy benefits in any association ought to be made accessible to general society.

VP of International Society for Prostaticus and Orthotics Bangladesh Shafiqul Islam remarked that the mix of fake appendages or legs is unpredictable and costly. He said the quantity of individuals lost their legs in the street mishap including different mishaps, is expanding. In any case, there are just 38 individuals who are experts in the counterfeit appendages.

Joint Secretary of the Psychology Association. Kamal Uddin prescribed the arrangement of clinician in each school.

Fida Al-Sams, President of the Society of Speech and Language Therapists, talked about dialect and correspondence issues. He griped that numerous individuals are entering discourses and dialect treatment calling over the span of the phony and non-standard course. The executive of Disabled Rehabilitation and Research Association Debesh Das said that the legislature should make an order for the specialists in the restoration benefit.

Rajiv Hasan, appointee chief of National Disability Foundation, stated, more than the patients in government organizations contrasted with labor. This distinction must be expelled. Mr. Farhan Bin Hossain, Clinical Occupational Therapist, Mirpur Section of CRP, proposed to bring individuals who needed recovery benefits under the supervision of medical coverage.

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