Now Sheikh Hasina is on the list of world thinkers

Awami League President Sheik Hasina has begun. Awami League in power for the fourth time under Sheik Hasina's administration. Sheik Hasina discovered joy in the wake of sitting in power. Head administrator Sheik Hasina has been positioned among the main 100 masterminds on the planet. Thinking about the general circumstance of the world over the most recent 10 years, the rundown of 100 individuals has been made by picking 10 best identities in 10 divisions.

The United States' persuasive diary 'The Foreign Policy''Made a rundown of the best masterminds on the planet. In the extraordinary release of their tenth commemoration, the magazine has distributed the names and depictions of these masterminds. Head administrator Sheik Hasina has occurred there. What's more, the purpose behind Sheik Hasina's place in the rundown is to make the place of Rohingyas living in Myanmar escaping massacre and torment.

Sheik Hasina has occurred in the 'Safeguard and Security' area. He has participated in the rundown by attracting consideration regarding the world. The short rundown of 10 individuals is simply after a Russian authority in this rundown is Sheik Hasina. Russian President Vladimir Putin's accomplice Vladimir Sukorov is in eighth position. What's more, Sheik Hasina's position is ninth.

Eprothom AloKashem Suleimani, Commander of the Quds Force of Iran, is over the 'Guard and Security' area of the Foreign Policy. He has been driving the power for two decades. US President Donald Trump has as of late gone to the consideration of the media with the danger of making a move against Iran. He stated, 'We are your ally. Be that as it may, you can not envision where. We are prepared. '

From that point onward, German Defense Minister Ossula Fon Dar Lane, Mexican Minister of Foreign Affairs Olga Sanjen Cordaro, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abi Ahmed, Spacex President Guinean Shatwell, Founder and CEO Alexandr Carpent, organizer of Bellantkat Eliot Hingings, Russian President Vladimir Putin's partner Vladislav Surakov, Bangladesh's Prime Minister Sheik Hasina and Indonesian Ocean and Fisheries Minister Sushi Padajyatsu

The Foreign Policy said about Sheik Hasina, the Bangladesh government under the authority of Sheik Hasina has confronted one of the greatest difficulties for security. He much of the time indicate less benevolence towards his rivals. Myanmar armed force did torment and decimation on Rakhine Rohingya in the nation. More than 60,000 Rohingyas fled to Bangladesh in the wake of escaping the way to fear. He removed the vision of the world administration by giving safe house in the Rohingya nation. Presently Sheik Hasina has started to send back the Rohingya's very own nation to Myanmar. For security reasons, the UN and Human Rights parties are restricting the arrival of Rohingya. Regardless of this, Sheik Hasina's legislature has been attempting to make a large number of Rohingya returning home.

Prior, Sheik Hasina was on the rundown of the 100 most influential ladies on the planet for the United States based magazine Forbes. Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheik Hasina was in the 30th position in the rundown in November 2010. Forbes named Sheik Hasina as 'Woman of Dhaka', Forbes said that Sheik Hasina has swore bolster for the Rohingyas escaping Myanmar and distributed 2000 sections of land of land for them, which is an unmistakable inverse of Myanmar State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi's position. He was 36th in the rundown of this current magazine's 2016 rundown.

In 2014, the rundown of the main 100 individuals in Asia was among the present Prime Minister of Bangladesh. The situation of Prime Minister was 22nd in the rundown.

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