Tripura Chief Minister Biplob Kumar Deb. Record photograph
of the state government giving philanthropic help to Rohingya confined in Tripura Children's drain and dress are likewise being given to those younger than 18. Tripura Chief Minister Biplob Kumar Deb said this in the primary light on Wednesday evening at his official living arrangement.
It is said that 31 Rohingyas were captured from An indian area on the edges of Bangladesh verge on Tuesday. BSF gripes that they entered India without an international ID from Bangladesh. In any case, the Rohingya counter objection, they attempted to cross the fringe into India from the territory of Kashmir and endeavored to achieve the outskirt in Tripura.
Eprothom AloAs numerous as 31 Rohingyas have been captured from outskirt regions just as 30 Rohingya from Churai Bari of Assam-Tripura fringe. In any case, the Chief Minister did not have any desire to remark on the Rohingyas' developments in Tripura on Wednesday. She stated, 'The youngsters were kept in the home. Whatever is left of the court sent the jail to imprison. We are orchestrating them to eat. We need to purchase garments. '
Boss Minister Biplob Deb Safa on Wednesday passed on that he wouldn't like to gripe about the Rohingyas, grumbling about the neighboring nation. Or maybe, he needs to enhance the correspondence arrangement of Bangladesh with Tripura without keeping great relations.
In this way, overlooking alternate inquiries on Rohingya, the Chief Minister again requested that India-Bangladesh relations be great relations. His case, the development of boats among Tripura and Bangladesh will be begun inside 10 months. On Feb 28, the authorities of the Ministry of Water and Power of Bangladesh and Bangladesh are coming to Tripura on a two-day visit. They will research all parts of this issue. Delicate will be brought in the period of February.
Ashuganj River Port, 35 kilometers from Sonamura of Tripura. Tripura Chief Minister additionally guaranteed that both the nations would profit if Sonamura and Ashuganj were engaged with waterway redesign. He says Bangladesh is very genuine about it.